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Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

The Psychodynamic approach consists in the application of psychoanalytic theory which, starting from the studies of Sigmund Freud, has been enriched with the contributions of Ego Psychology, the School of Object Relations and Self Psychology. Among the main authors of reference there are: S. Freud, S. Ferenczi, D.W. Winnicott, W.R. Bion, P.C. Racamier, A. Green, N. Coltart, O. Kernberg, N. McWilliams, G.O. Gabbard, A.

Dynamically oriented psychotherapy starts from the assumption that intrapsychic world and the relational world are dynamically linked. Therefore, lor state of well-being or malaise emerges from the relationship between the internal pressures, exerted by one's own psychological and emotional needs, and the stresses that come from the relational environment. So, yesintolerable and painful situations, internal and/or external, can produce very intense situations and give the feeling that something has been lost, misplaced, damaged. Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attack, Phobia, Obsession and Compulsion, Somatization, Addiction, Eating Disorders and Psychosomatic Disorders are the result of an internal discomfort that compromises one's relational, family, work and emotional life.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy, placing the person and their needs at the centre, deals with this internal discomfort.


Our personality, emotions and behaviors largely derive from aspects of which we are not aware. Past events build, one after another, a mental world in our unconscious that influences the present in an unconscious way.

It is in past relationships, in particular, that the roots of many ways of being, thinking and acting are rooted: the experiences lived in the first years of life are learned, implicitly memorized and proposed again in subsequent relationships. Identifying and understanding these dynamics that are activated automatically is the key to triggering change.

Knowing yourself means bringing to light what has remained suspended, repressed, buried, kept inside for a long time.

During a course of psychodynamic psychotherapy, we take care of personal and relational experiences and dynamics so that we can increase our knowledge of them and find the answers we are looking for. An outcome made possible by constant and mutual commitment in the therapeutic relationship.


The psychotherapeutic path follows an initial consultation phase, necessary to understand the current situation and define the therapeutic objectives. 

Psychotherapy sessions last 45 minutes and are held with a variable frequency depending on the case.

The cost of the psychotherapy session varies depending on some situations  object of analysis during the psychological counseling phase.

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